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Ballistic Groin Protection VCA М

6 159 UAH
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Anti-fragmentation ballistic insert in the latch from the "Velmet Comfort Armor" series, which is made using soft ballistic protection (UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular PolyEthylene) - Dyneema®

The ballistic insert is designed for usage in PCP-M G2 or PCP-M G2 LC series bags with an armor panel compartment.

Characteristics of the ballistic groin insert VCA :

  • V50 - 600 м/с. Stanag 2920
  • Sealing on HDTV technology VG +.
  • Ballistic material - UHMwPE Dyneema ®.
  • Minor trauma.
  • Width - 150 mm.
  • Length - 210 mm.
  • Thickness - 20 mm.
  • Weight - 0.3 kg.
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Ballistic insert for groin protection M "VCA" 600 GP-M-VCA-L2.002 image 1349
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6 159 UAH