What is V50? VST 01.301.003 (STANAG 2920 (Ed. 3) / AEP-2920 (Ed. A)
VST 01.301.003-2015 ( STANAG 2920 ) Methods of ballistic testing of personal armored protection and combat uniforms (Military standards for ballistic protection & armour, solutions for military applications are tested according to relevant NATO standards, normally STANAG 2920 (STANAG = NATO Standardization Agreement )).
VST 01.301.003-2020 entered into force on September 1, 2020. Determination of the class of protection and the procedure for evaluating individual means of armor protection. Protection against bullets and fragments (STANAG 2920 (Ed. 3) / AEP-2920 (Ed. A), CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONAL ARMOR. PROCEDURES FOR THE EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONAL ARMOR. BULLET AND FRAGMENTATION THREATS, IDT) .
World standards:
US Standard - Mill STD 662 E
UK Standard - UK/SC/5449
NATO Standard - STANAG 2920
Unlike DSTU 8782, testing takes place with fragments of a standard shape and weight, and protection levels are determined in V50 indicators - basic, V0.
What is V50? What level of protection does V50 Stanag 2920 VST 01.301.003 provide
V50 - the speed of the shard simulator, for which the probability of penetration is 50%.
The simulator of FSPs (Fragment Simulating Projectiles) is most often a steel cylinder of a special shape and weight: 1.1 g +/- 0.03 g, 5.39 mm x 6.17 mm +/- 0.06. The shape, weight and parameters of cylinders, as well as hardness, are specified in the standard.
Definition of V50: Average of an equal number of highest non-puncture velocities and lowest puncture velocities, in a given speed range. The difference between penetration and non-penetration speeds is also important, as it affects the test methodology. If the difference is 40 m/s, 3 shots are required, if 50 m/s, then 5, if 60 m/s - 7, and if more than 60 m/s, the test must be repeated on a new sample. Damage to the witness sample (aluminum sheet) at a distance of 15 cm from the sample being tested is considered a puncture.
Levels of protection: usually indicated as V50 or V0 along with characteristics of the imitator or compliance with the levels: F1 - minimum permissible V50 - 400 m/s, F2 - V50 - 450 m/s, F3 - V50-500 m/s, F4 - V50 - 550 m/s, F5 – V50 - 600 m/s, F6 – V50 - 650 m/s. There are restrictions on the minimum permissible indicators for some PPE (Means of personal protection), for example: EOD explosive suit - the minimum indicator of V50 Stanag 2920 is 450 m/s.