Target Texas Star TZ-1
Target Texas Star TZ-1 - advanced model of target system for stationary military training grounds, field shooting ranges, private shooting ranges from the Ukrainian manufacturer Velmet Armor System. The dynamic target system is designed to improve the skills of precise shooting and rapid response, rated for medium and high level shooters.
Purpose and Design Advantages of Target Texas Star TZ-1
- Durability and reliability. Hardened by special technology ARM550 steel, for the production of all construction components. Moreover, pre-assembled components are hardened, this ensures maximum resistance to physical, mechanical, chemical, and atmospheric factors.
- Gongs are in kit form. The package already includes gongs with a diameter of 200 mm and a bulge part with a mounting hole of 10 mm (allows the element to be used separately from the basic target-setting). At manufacture of targets a special technology - Triplex, which allows receiving a metal target with a hard outer shell and softer inner layer. This target can long resist the shots without the formation of micro cracks on its working surface.
- Sound effect. The accuracy of the shot can be instantly identified by the characteristic sound of metal hitting. This helps to avoid the interruption of the training process and testing targets located at the distance from a shooter’s position. The sound of metal hit is perfectly heard from the position of the shooter and spectators.
- Demountable assembly. Target system can be easily transported from place to place by any transport. You can disassemble and assemble the installation without having special skills. The components of the target system are connected with each other by reliable and durable bolt connections. Buy a Texas Star Target is a good adition for units that often have to take part in field exercises.
- Advanced spring mounting system. The gongs are fixed by reliable spring mechanisms, which prevents their spontaneous separation from the beams in the lower position, during intensive rotation.
- Lightweight design. To improve the efficiency of usage of the target equipment, technical cutouts are provided on the beams, which significantly reduces the weight of the target system and improves its dynamic performance.
- Proven effectiveness. All Velmet Armor System targets are tested at a specialized target testing center, and were strictly quality and safety controls at all stages of production.