Target - gong Silhouette 500 * 300
Target - gong Silhouette - the actual model of target equipment for equipping professional or military ranges, organization of shooting in the field conditions. Steel targets from Ukrainian manufacter Velmet have the advantage of against the background of market analogueues by excellent price-quality ratio, high reliability and durability. Since the launch of the first target-gong, the brand has been able to significantly expand the range of productss, which you can get acquainted with using the convenient functionality of the online store Velmet.ua.
Features Details and Advantages of Target - gong Silhouette
The steel Target -gong Silhouette follow the contours of the upper part of the human body (head, thoracic section, torso):
- Durability. Velmet steel ARM550 is used to manufacture the target equipment. After giving the desired shape, a target gets hardened by using a special technology - Triplex, which allows receiving a metal target with a hard outer shell and softer inner layer. This target can long resist the shots without the formation of micro cracks on its working surface.
- Sound effect. Each direct hit at the metallic target from any kind of weapon is accompanied by the sound effect of metal hitting. This helps to avoid the interruption of the training process and testing targets located at the distance from a shooter’s position.
- Target Silhouette is suitable for shooting short and long distances from different types of rifled and smooth-bore weapons.
- Target-gong Silhouette, the whose price is affordable, can be used both with universal or armored hanging stands. The shoulder section has mounting holes for fastening with chains or elastic rubber cords.
- High-quality color coating makes targets visible for shooting from long distance and protects against negative environmental effects.
- Linear dimensions (H / W, mm - 500 x 300)
- Thickness - 10 mm
- Material - armored steel Velmet ARMOR ARM-550
- Weight - 8,2 kg