Target-GONG D150 U
Target-GONG D150 U is a target equipment designed by the designers of the Ukrainian manufacturer Velmet, which is ideally suited for use in conjunction with hanging stands of various modifications. Unlike the basic models, this target-gong has two mounting holes, which provides maximum ease of operation in the conditions of intensive training of special forces combatants, paramilitary security forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security Service of Ukraine, training of professional shooters before competitions , etc.
Feature Details of Target-GONG D 150 U
- Durability. Velmet steel ARM550 is used to manufacture the target equipment. After giving the desired shape, a target gets hardened by using a special technology - Triplex, which allows receiving a metal target with a hard outer shell and softer inner layer. This target can long resist the shots without the formation of micro cracks on its working surface.
- Sound effect. The accuracy of the shot can be instantly identified by the characteristic sound of metal hitting. This helps to avoid the interruption of the training process and testing targets located at the distance from a shooter’s position. The sound of metal hit is perfectly heard from the position of the shooter and spectators.
- High-quality color coating makes targets visible for shooting from long distance and protects against negative environmental effects.
- Diameter - 150 mm
- Thickness - 10 mm
- Material - armored steel Velmet ARMOR ARM-550
- Weight - 1,45 kg