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Tactical Body Armor

Body armor R.V.K.P.N.X 4 BA-P-6LC.019.004 image 1514
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Body armor Perun-7.25 SOF LC MaWka BA-P-7.25LC.SF.23.1 image 1626
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Assault body armor Perun 6-LC Сoyote BA-P-6LC.019.003 image 1513
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Body armor Perun-7 SOF LC MaWka BA-P-6LC.SF.23.1 image 1527
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Plate Carrier Perun-6 SOF LC MaWka BA-P-6LC.SF.020 image 1518
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Body armor Perun M-4 Coyote ВЕЛС.001.000.00 image 1254
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Assault body armor Perun 6-LC Ranger Green BA-P-6LC.019.002 image 1184
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Velmet PRO Vest Carry Bag Ranger Green VCB.019.001 image 1437
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Body armor Veles М-4 Black ВЕЛС.002.000.00 image 1252
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The Velmet company has been actively engaged in the production of tactful bulletproof vests since 2014. Our weapons protect life and support the defense of the fatherland in the current power structures of Ukraine. Some of the samples are presented in the following distributions, others are prepared in accordance with the order.

Often, when giving an order for individual protection from buyers, they blame the supply of money on how to try to give a lower price.

What is a tactful body armor?
Tactical bullet-proof vests are made to tactical and technical strengths of the deputy, to that of law enforcement agencies. Features of the design - zovn_shnє zastosuvannya and nayavnіst of the system of fastening for the security of the first level of modularity is suitable for combat missions. The design of this type of zabіv zakhistu in its own way is the perfection of the needs of the military, which ensures maximum viability on the battlefield with an equal amount of zakhistu.

Which class of body armor is the best?
The highest rіven zakhistu is the maximum, in Ukraine it is class 6 zgіdno DSTU 8782. But it is necessary to take into account other important characteristics such as vaga, sruchnіst, that square zakhistu.

What do you see a class 4 bulletproof vest?
The qualification is assigned to the statutory clause of DSTU 8782 and is only to be tested and confirmed in specialized accredited laboratories. class zakhistu guarantees zakhist vіd kul 5.45х39 PP 7Н10 on vіdstanі vіd 10 meters zі vіdkіstyu up to 925 m/s, that 7.62х54 LPS 57-N-232s 865 m/s.

How many people can wear body armor without interruption?
The recommended hour of uninterrupted wearing of bulletproof vests is based on regulatory documents that the choice of bulletproof vests is made by TOV Velmet, with a weight of up to 8 kg - 8-10 years, 10-12 - up to 4 years.

You can get the bulletproof vests of the old wear (tactical) directly at the foreman, you can follow the contacts assigned to the relevant distribution site.