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Target-GONG D200 - 10

876 UAH
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Target-GONG D200schema_mishen_gong_d200_1o - 1O - Target equipment for practice aiming shooting from different types of weapons, which has high durability, allows to increase the efficiency of the training process. The cost of metal targets manufactured at the facilities of the Ukrainian company Velmet in Khmelnitsky is affordable to a wide range of consumers.

Our designers are constantly working to create new and to improve earlier versions of equipment for professional shooting ranges and military training grounds. Also in our virtual military online store you can buy high quality army equipment and clothing, backpacks, tactical tools, personal protective equipment at affordable prices from the manufacturer!


Target gong D200 - 10: design and materials

  • Triplex hardening technique. In order to make the steel targets rather strong and durable, company engineers apply a special technique of metal hardening, which involves the formation of three layers: two hard and one soft. The last one is covered in a shell by hard layers. A soft layer of metal helps to prevent the working surface of a gong from the defects, associated with the formation of micro-cracks. This feature can significantly extend the service life of a target.
  • In the design of the gong target, the dimensions of which according to the requirements for equipment for the shooting range and military training grounds, there is nothing unnecessary - a solid  metal construction with a hole for fixing with hinges, chains, rubber bands.
  • Steel target gongs are characterized by a "metal-to-metal" sound effect that is well heard from the positions of the shooter, instructor, and spectators (when using the equipment during sports shooting competitions). This undeniable advantage of the target equipment from the Ukrainian manufacturer is highly appreciated by active military personnel, paramilitary security forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine.


  • Diameter - 200 mm
  • Thickness - 10 mm
  • Material - armored steel Velmet ARMOR ARM-550
  • Weight -  2,45 kg

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